unlock your true potential





*Billed weekly



*One time payment




*Billed weekly

AUD $333/MO


*Billed monthly

AUD $777/3MO


*Billed every 3 months


Personalised Workout Program
Customised meal plan AND/OR
Customised calories & macro’s
FREE flexible eating guide
FREE My Fitness Pal E-book
Cater to ALL dietary requirements
Full weekly shopping list
FREE Supplement Toolkit
Video demonstrations of each exercise
Home & gym based programs
Exclusive mobile APP
24/7 Email support
Weekly Check-insp

By joining my community of Boss babes you’ll receive

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A workout program that’s designed for you! All exercises will be demonstrated and coached by me so that you can perform them correctly. It’ll feel like we’re working in person. 

Home or Gym Workouts

Workout wherever is most convenient for you with home or gym workout options!

✓ Swap out your exercises

Have an injury? Swap out your exercises anytime!

✓ Workout Log

Track your progress to keep pushing for your personal best!

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Fully customised meal plan customised to YOU & YOUR goals. Updated every month based on your progress. Choose from General, Vegetarian and Vegan meals!


Want to dine in/out while still hitting your goals? Choose from your favourite restaurants and even combine meals to hit your macro and calorie targets!

(available in; UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia.)


Shopping for your plan made easy with a shopping checklist!


Blacklist any ingredients you want to avoid!

All dietary requirements are catered for <3


Bodies by Vera members receive their programs on  our BBV App, so you can take your personalised meal plans and training programs with you to both the supermarket and the gym!


Get in touch anywhere, anytime! I am extremely approachable and always open to questions. Know that when you ask a question, you’re speaking directly to me - not a support team member.


Period Tracker

Introducing the Period Tracker! I know how important it is to track your periods and I wanted to provide more value to my beautiful ladies. You can now record when you get your period and for how long and it will automatically track and inform you of when it is due. This is really beneficial when you are measuring your progress as your weight can fluctuate during your menstrual cycle. I hope you love it as much as I do!


Hi! I’m Vera <3

My passion for health & fitness started at a young age. Growing up, I was a national level  gymnast. Since leaving school, I’ve been involved in many different styles of training, including boxing, crossfit, muay thai, etc. While I still very much enjoy these, weightlifting is where my true passion lies.  Being able to completely transform your body composition through  structured weight training & nutrition continues to fascinate me. And is the reason I keep striving for more growth! Stepping foot into the gym has given me strength, confidence and shown me that I CAN reach my full potential , leading me to my journey to stepping on stage as a WBFF Bikini Diva. 

I believe, it is my purpose now, to help other women unlock their true potential too. To overcome gym anxiety, to develop self love, to feel confident & sexy and to remove all their limiting beliefs that might be keeping them where they are! I want to show them what they are capable of, while educating them along the way in order to build long lasting habits that they can sustain forever! The lessons of discipline, resilience, consistency & an unstoppable mindset are all projected and taught to my beautiful clients to help create success! 

My mission is to encourage women to step into their power and  feel the positive impact health and fitness will have on them as it has with me!


By finally taking that leap into becoming the girl you have always dreamed of, you will unlock a version of yourself that you didn’t know existed. The feeling of, “Yes, I am so in love with the person I am becoming’ and the feelings of growth, self love, worthiness and confidence will be amplified the second you start this journey. You’ll say goodbye to old habits and create space for new ones! Space for healthy eating habits, self care, routine & movement. You’ll no longer feel lost or stuck and you will have unlimited guidance, support and direction from me. Your limiting beliefs that once ruled your life will be gone and YOU will have FULL control over your life and live the life you’ve always dreamed of!

I cannot wait for your quality of life to bloom and I cannot wait to take on this journey with you! This life is yours! OWN IT! 

If you’re committed to creating long lasting results, join my team and 100’s of other women around the world stepping into their peak potential.

"Hey girl! I have attached the last progress photo, I’m almost in tears, I didn’t even realise how much my body has changed, especially my waist! I was looking back at the beginning of the challenge and couldn’t believe it! The program is amazing and the motivation not to eat so much unhealthy choice !! I have lost 5.5KG! I’ll probably do some of the days again! Till I’m completely toned! Thank you. "

"Overall I found the challenge to be challenging in the best possible way. It's made me fall back in love with training It's given me a great base and foundation to work from and it's got me excited for the future! This challenge and your guidance helped me find what best works for my body and what doesn't and it's made things a lot clearer for me moving forward so thankyou! Now that I've started seeing results I can't wait to keep going honestly! Can't wait to get into an actual gym and get better and stronger!

Thank you so much again for you help babe!!! ️"

"Hi vera, I just wanted to thank you so much for this opportunity to become more confident in my body after having my baby girl! I'm back down into the 60s after getting upto 80kg's while pregnant and I'm so thankful for your guidance and help along the way! this program has showed me discipline and that's something I was lacking majorly! I'm more confident in the gym now too which makes me so so happy because I could never figure out what workouts to incorporate into my session or even how to do them properly lol I must admit I had a few days off here and there to tend to my baby but even if it was 10pm some days I would go that late just to get some sort of workout in or I would workout at home using the dining chairs as weights hahaha But overall I'm so beyond happy with my experience within your 6 week program so thank you again . ️"

"Hey Vera! I'd just like to say a huge THANK YOU! If you know me you know I'm not big on training or have ever found the motivation to push myself hard enough to see results, but you my friend have changed that haha. I can honestly say your first program had me working muscles I didn't even know I had but your constant motivation & support got me through the challenging days and times I was not feeling it. I also have to say I learnt a lot with all the information you provided on the technical terms & explaining how to do each exercise properly! Thanks to you I saw results in those 6 weeks. I am so excited to try this gym program and see what more my body can do! You've helped me learn to love training (who would have ever thought) but also guided me every step of the way! Thanks again my girl. . ️"

"This program has literally changed my life. I was lazy previously, never cared about what I ate and I would barely train. My gym membership was a waste of money. I couldn't even do 1 proper push up!! Going from that... to training 6 times a week and eating healthy consistently is something I NEVER thought I could do. You have taught me so much and this program has given me the motivation and confidence I never thought I needed. Throughout the 6 weeks I felt stronger everyday, however, I didn't realise how much my body image had changed until you sent me the progress photos! I nearly died the change was so dramatic, I couldn't believe it. Thank you for opening my eyes and for changing my life. I can't wait to keep smashing my goals. LOVE YOU .."

"I want to thank Vera for showing me the light to a whole new fitness ball game. I never realised how important and what a difference it makes when setting goals and planning what is needed to hit them. Vera was very supportive and constantly on top of me making sure I was sticking to the process. I did find it difficult to consistently hit my nutrition targets, but again that extra push from Vera was making me hit my macro nutrient goals each week. I felt motivated and stayed on track as the results were coming through quickly. I now enjoy my exercise routine and can feel the benefits both physically and mentally. Time to set some new goals and knock them over."

"I can't believe 6 WEEKS has already gone by ! It's insane how fast time goes ! And wow what a challenge that was. Quite literally haha The final couple weeks was hard for me to fit every workout in, I had so much going on it's been crazy. I've missed a couple workouts and Id be lying if I said I haven't felt really guilty about it but I needed to remind myself that I did this challenge for me and it's okay, I'm only human ! I'm still proud when I look back on the last 6 weeks as a whole, making positive choices I usually wouldn't make, substituting unhealthy cravings/snacks for a healthier alternative, working out at 7pm after a big day even when it may have been the last thing I feel like doing & continuously exercising even with my in between hospital trips . I've given this challenge a lot of effort & reminded myself of that ! So thankyou ! For giving me workouts and diet guidelines I'll look back on and use for the rest of my life. HOLY MOLY your training is intense!! And definitely shows results! I've seen huge changes in my body, Fat loss & little muscle definition is popping up everywhere, it's insane, I love feeling stronger! Ive gone down a size since starting and lost 5kg from eating more than I usually would ? Haha The in Vs. out rule really does apply ! I'm feeling way leaner and confident than a have in a long time; And I couldn't have done it without you. THANKYOU!! Ps ~ Ive just moved houses, & couldn't balance my phone on the bench like the last couple check ins and didn't have anyone to take a photo for me. But here's a happy little vegimite feeling confident in her own skin, Goal = kicked I wish you all the best Vera, You'll do amazing things in this industry! Your knowledge, dedication, strength, kindness and support will take you far & im excited for what the future has for you ! You deserve it x Also .. if you're ever in the Whitsundays, Let me know. Biggest love, Ki <3 ️"


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